Quick numbers on contributing more to your super. No long questions, no personal advice.
This calculator does not take into account any past contributions you have made.
Your employer pays money from your before-tax salary into your super.
What is it?
Money for super is taken out before tax, so you are taxed on a smaller amount. This gives you an immediate tax saving while increasing your super balance.
Quick tax saving
Salary sacrifice is popular because it reduces the tax deducted from your salary straight away.
How it works
Ask your employer to pay extra super from your salary.
Pay a lump sum now, then claim a refund when you put in your tax return.
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
Pay now claim later
Pay into your super account , fill in the ATO form and send it to your fund now.
How it works
You pay a lump sum directly into your super account any time before June 30th and claim an income tax deduction in your next tax return.
Pay a lump sum and gain a government co-contribution.
extra at retirement
Gain a super co-contribution
Pay extra into your super account now and you’re done! The government will add the co-contribution to your super after you submit your tax return. Make sure you don’t claim back tax on what you have added or you won’t receive the co-contribution. Eligibility applies.
How it works
Pay a lump sum directly into your super account any time before June 30th.
You pay a lump sum to gain the maximum government co-contribution. Plus you salary sacrifice so you receive a tax saving.
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
super co-contribution
Why combine?
By adding some money before tax and some after tax, you receive both a tax saving and a government co-contribution.
What is salary sacrifice?
Money for super is taken out before tax so you are taxed on a smaller amount. This gives you an immediate tax saving while increasing your super balance. Tell your employer how much extra super to pay from your salary.
How to gain a super co-contribution
Pay a lump sum directly into your super account any time before June 30th.
When you submit your tax return without claiming a tax rebate on your super contribution, the government will add on the co-contribution. Eligibility applies.
Pay a lump sum now and receive a co-contribution on part of it, then claim back tax on the rest.
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
super co-contribution
Gain a super co-contribution and a tax saving
Pay ,XXX extra into your super account now and claim ,XXX in your tax return to reduce your income tax. The government will add the co-contribution to your super after you submit your tax return. Make sure you don’t claim back tax on the full ,XXX or you won’t receive the co-contribution. Eligibility applies.
How it works
Pay a lump sum directly into your super account any time before June 30th.
Your employer pays money from your salary before tax until you reach the before-tax contributions cap. Plus you pay a lump sum.
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
Why combine?
You receive a tax saving for your before tax contributions. To stay within the before tax cap limit contribute some money as an after tax contribution.
What is salary sacrifice?
Money for super is taken out before tax so you are taxed on a smaller amount. This gives you an immediate tax saving while increasing your super balance. You tell your employer how much extra super to pay from your salary.
What about after tax contribution?
Just pay a lump sum directly into your super account any time before June 30th.
Pay a lump sum then claim back tax on part to stay within the before-tax contribution cap.
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
Pay into your super account , fill in the ATO form and send it to your fund now so you make the most of the pre-tax contribution cap. The part of your contribution that you claim on tax is treated as a before tax contribution while the part you don’t claim is an after-tax contribution.
Put extra money into both your super and your partner's
extra at retirement
estimated tax reduction
Even up your balances and avoid the cap
Splitting contributions with your spouse helps even out your super balances and can help you avoid hitting the super balance cap.
How it works
Pay extra super into both your super account and your spouses. You will receive a tax deduction on the money paid into your account and your spouse will receive a deduction on the money paid into his/her account.
You want to add extra
into your super before tax.Just email your employer the text in the link below to pay directly into your super fund account.
Pay into your super account , fill in the ATO form and send it to your fund now. Then claim a tax deduction when you file your next tax return.
Pay into your super account, put in your annual tax return without claiming the .
Add extra
into your super before tax.Pay into your super account, put in your annual tax return without claiming the and the co-contribution will be added to your super.
Just send your employer the prefilled email below to pay directly into your super fund account.
Pay into your super account, fill in the ATO form using ,XXX and send it to your fund now. When you put in your annual tax return, only claim ,XXX.
First add extra
into your super before tax.Pay into your super account and put in your annual tax return without claiming the .
Just send your employer the prefilled email below to pay directly into your super fund account.
Pay into your super account, fill in the ATO form for and send it to your fund now. Then claim a tax deduction for when you file your next income tax return.
variable copy goes here
BPAY code | |
Reference | Call Industry SuperFunds for your reference code |
You pay ,XXX into your partners super account. You pay using after tax money and you get a tax offset. Ask your partner for his/her super account details.
Contribution splitting is usually done after the end of the financial year. This is the form to hand to your fund.
We're here to help. Please contact your super fund.
This calculator is for working people over 16 years old.
This calculator is for people up to the age of 74.
We have rounded your income down to the maximum value
We have rounded your income up to the minimum value
We have rounded your balance down to the maximum value
We have rounded your balance up to the $1,000 minimum value
Your assumption changes have altered the recommendations. Please select one of these options
Please complete all required fields.
The results of this calculator are based on the following assumptions. You can adjust these to suit your needs.
Your settings
This calculator is for Australian permanent residents
This calculator is for retiring between ages 55 and 75.
We have not considered your partner in this advice. If you are interested in a wider partner/family view you should contact your super fund.
Fund settings per year
This calculator does not cover your settings. Please correct the settings or contact your super fund to discuss your options.
This calculator intends to show the impact that certain choices may have, but it cannot accurately predict your final superannuation balance or retirement income as it does not take into account all of your personal circumstances.
Results generated by the calculator are applicable for this financial year only and are based on assumptions (default assumptions or assumptions as modified by you). The results generated by the calculator may not be accurate if the assumptions become inaccurate for any reason including as a result of taxation or other legislative changes. We therefore recommend that you revisit this calculator on a regular basis (for example, each year). The results generated by this calculator may also not be accurate if you do not provide accurate information.
The calculator is for accumulation accounts only. It will not work for defined benefit accounts. If you have a defined benefit account, your contributions that count towards the concessional cap will be calculated in accordance with a statutory formula that is not used in this calculator.
The information provided by this calculator should not be relied upon to make financial decisions. Any results provided by the calculator do not take into account all of your personal circumstances including your current lifestyle expenses, other financial commitments like debt or other needs and objectives. When making any financial decisions you should seek professional advice from an appropriately licenced financial adviser who can work with you to develop a financial plan specifically tailored to your objectives, financial situation or needs.
You should also consider that money invested in superannuation generally cannot be accessed until you retire.
This calculator has been developed by Spark Green Holdings Pty Ltd trading as SGY.
The estimates produced by this calculator are based on default assumptions (factors which you may change) and statutory assumptions (rates or amounts fixed by legislation e.g. rates of taxation) which are considered reasonable at the current date based on long-term actuarial modelling. However, actual events can turn out differently. Please note the following:
Statutory rates and rules are current as at 1 July 2024.
The "extra at retirement" results are shown in today's dollars (present value), which means they are adjusted adjusted for accumulation inflation while the member is in the accumulation phase, and CPI while the member is in retirement phase.. You can adjust the inflation rate in the "Change assumptions" section to see the impact this will have on the projected amount.
Annual income – annual income is your annual income from employment before tax, including any bonus payments and income that is salary sacrificed. It excludes any employer superannuation contributions and other packaged benefits.
Contributions – the calculator cannot take account past contributions and therefore assumes that you will not exceed your concessional or non-concessional contributions caps. This also means that no allowance has been made for the use of the ‘bring forward’ rule for non-concessional contributions.
This calculator does not consider eligibility for a downsizer superannuation contribution (a one-off post-tax contribution for over 55 year olds of up to $300,000 from the proceeds of selling their home).
Working life - the calculator assumes that you will have a continuous working life with no breaks.
Employer contributions – the calculator assumes your employer makes contributions once a year at 1 January.
LISTO – the calculator assumes that you are eligible for the government Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset (LISTO) if your income is below the relevant threshold. However, other eligibility criteria apply for the LISTO which the calculator does not consider.
Contributions – the calculator works out whether before or after-tax contributions are better for you based on your income tax rates, contributions caps and whether you may qualify for government contributions. The most advantageous combination may change in the future depending on your situation, so you should review this at least annually.
No breach of balance cap rules – the calculator assumes, when providing estimates, that you will not breach the transfer balance cap rules, which apply a limit to the amount you can transfer into the retirement phase.
Superannuation guarantee - the calculator assumes that where a person enters into a salary sacrifice arrangement, their employer will still make the 11.5% superannuation guarantee payments on their income.
Tax on super contributions – it is assumed that you have provided your tax file number (TFN) to your superannuation fund and that, consequently the usual concessional tax rate of 15% tax is deducted from employer contributions including before-tax (salary sacrifice) contributions. Where applicable an estimate of the Division 293 additional contribution tax for those on incomes over the relevant threshold has been included. The calculator assumes that you will not breach your concessional and non-concessional contributions caps and therefore no allowance is made for any additional tax that may be payable on excess contributions as a result. No allowance is made for any other tax on super. The total income used by the calculator to estimate the applicable Division 293 tax is equal to your annual salary before tax and before any salary sacrifice. Any income from other sources and other available adjustments are not included in an estimate of total income. For the full definition of ‘income’ used by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other details on Division 293 tax and excess contribution rules, refer to the ATO website at ato.gov.au. The tax assumptions used are general in nature only and do not constitute tax advice. Please see your tax adviser for advice that is specific to your individual circumstances.
Tax on current income – the calculator works out the income tax payable on the current income you have entered by applying the current financial year’s personal income tax rates and the Medicare levy where it applies based on the individual thresholds. The actual Medicare levy may be different than calculated. Any other form of income you receive has not been taken into account. No allowance has been made for the Medicare Levy Surcharge.
You are assumed to be an Australian resident for tax purposes.
From 1 July 2025, an additional tax of 15% will apply to earnings if your total superannuation balance exceeds $3million.
Email me my plan
Current | With extra contribution |
You | per year | per year |
Gross salary | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Before tax super contribution | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Taxable income | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Income tax and Medicare | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Take home pay | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Tax offsets (received later) | ,XXX | ,XXX |
After tax super contribution | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Disposable income | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Your super | ||
Employer contributions | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Your super contributions | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Government co-contribution | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Contributions tax after offset | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Net extra into your super | ,XXX | ,XXX |
Copy and paste the below content into an email to send through to your employer.
This calculator is licenced from Spark Green Holdings Pty Ltd ABN 84 645 077 738 (SGY). SGY collects personal information from you so as to deliver to you the results generated by the calculator. For queries or information on how SGY manages your personal information, see the SGY privacy policy.